Shout Out to Orlean Sorio from 75X811!
A huge round of applause for Orlean Sorio, who orchestrated an incredible school-wide STEM Fair with 40 different classes participating! She ensured that all projects were compliant with the theme of Climate Change through STEM. Her dedication and hard work resulted in an amazing, dynamic event that showcased the brilliant minds of our students.
Here are the winners
Z Classes
Winner: Z13 (Ashley) - Mini Terrarium: Can plants in a bottle help us make clean air to breathe?
Runner-Up: Z21 (Nina) - Clean with Lemon & Baking Soda
Y Classes
Winner: Y18 (Eva) / Y22 (Maria) - Milk Cartons Mystery@811X: Do empty milk cartons end up in the right bin?
Runner-Up: Y08 (Bushra) - Water Conservation: How much water is consumed in every activity we do?
VWX Classes
Winner: X11 (Jessica) - How can we investigate our school's waste habit to develop a more sustainable solution? Project: Bird Feeder.
Runner-Up: X14 (Lefkie) - How does acid rain affect our local environment?
Orlean, you deserve all the recognition and praise for putting on such an outstanding event! **CONGRATS ORLEAN!** 🌟👏